As an avid trapper, it really depends on the situation, and who is in my group (if i know beforehand). The three traps that are always in my trapper's skill bar are Dust Trap, Flame Trap, and Barbed Trap. Now as for the elite, it is either Spike Trap or Trappers Focus. I almost always take Throw Dirt, and use it to get in the thick of the action. Also, Serpents Quickness is a MUST. You won't get very far as a trapper if you have to wait for your skills to recharge too long.
And, of course, troll. I don't leave home without it.
Now, if I take Spike as my elite, that is usually my 1st or 2nd trap I lay down, for the knockdown, which gives me time to lay more traps. If I take focus, I can lay Dust first to blind foes, then proceed with the rest. Be careful about using the "new" traps, Vipers Nest is a Beast Mastery attribute, and Snare isn't very powerful. And don't forget to grab a nice staff, I use Insightful with either Defense or Fortitude mods. Or consider a rod and an offhand, I've seen trappers with 50 energy in UW, I usually have 47. And dont forget to switch to your bow if a mesmer is messing with your energy pool.
When all is said in done, I find myself in the middle of a mob using each skill as it recharges, and all skills are usually recharging, Serpents Quickness at every opportunity, and continuously blinding my opponents.
If that's boring you, try "oath shot trapper", you can lay a stream of traps if done right.